- 10:00 AM CST
- CoCoIO Network Interface Card (NIC)
- Rick Ulland
- 11:00 AM CST
- Creating High Color Images on the CoCo using the DS-69B Video Digitizer
- Joel Ewy
- 12:00 PM CST
- The Tandy 10
- Peter Cetenski
- 1:00 PM CST – 4:00 PC CST
- The CoCo Nation
- 4:00 PM CST – 6:00 CST
- “Coco Digital Archeology”: Using Tools like the Grease Weasel to archive Magnetic Media
- L. Curtis Boyle, Brian Wieseler & Paul Fiscarelli
- 6:00 PM CST
- FujiNet Networking on the Tandy Color Computer
- William Athing & Henry The III
- 7:00 PM CST
- The TANDY Radio Shack Model 1
- RetroStack Info
- 8:00 PM CST
- TFR/9, the new 6309-based “modern retro” computer, executing NitrOS-9 & Color BASIC
- StricK
Tune into the show on the following channels:
- The CoCo Nation (TCN) YouTube Live: https://www.youtube.com/@The_CoCo_Nation/streams
- The CoCo Nation (TCN) Twitch Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/thecoconationshow
- Glenside Color Computer Club YouTube Live: https://www.youtube.com/@glensideccc/streams